Friday, August 1, 2008

Baba Update

So we went to the doctor again yesterday. Baba now weighs 1.9kg and only has about 4 more weeks to go before eta... My doctor is on holiday (Gone to Hong Kong) so his made arrangements for me to see one of his associates at the hospital. Every time we go to my doctor we find it quiet fascinating to hear other mommies babies hearts beat (the machine is not that far from the waiting room, but we can't see anything. Anyway the doctor I saw yesterday put me on a baby heart monitoring machine and it took him quiet some time to find the babies’ heart beat - Can you imagine the look on our faces when we heard nothing. After about 5min we heard kicking every few seconds but baba was laying sooo funny that we could not hear find a heart beat. After a few minutes feeling around he finally found and everything is perfect. Now my only concern is the fact that I'm having endless toothaches which is causing earache - it was sooo bad last night that I was up all night. To crown it all I made a few calls this morning apparently no dentist is allowed to help me until after baba is born, 'cause I'm not allowed any medication or anaesthetic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sho must have been a scary moment. Looking forward to see the bundle of joy. somayya