Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time Flies When You Having Fun

Although she's got many, many, many soft fluffy toys it seems she prefers a toy oupa can't get enough of. This toy is the cause of many fights Asenath has with Oupie Dopie

Can you believe our angel is 7 months old today and looks like she knows it. In the past few weeks she's been sailing around (so we have to watch her with eagle eyes when she's on the bed), walking backwards in her walking ring - to open up draws and cupboards, sitting at the big dinning room table (of cause while being strapped to her car seat) when we have dinner while eating her biscuits, and today she started standing in her cot.

She's growing up so fast I can hardly believe that we brought her home just 7 months ago. A few months ago I bought her a CD called the Roach Approach - its about the cockroaches that went onto Noah's Arch. Looks like Asenath understands every word they say. Its is often the only way one can get her calm and she's even singing along to the songs (Of cause only she knows the language she's singing it in).

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