Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sometimes not making a decision is a decision...

While Asenath and daddy is taking their Sunday nap, I'm laying and thinking about today's service. And something just struck me...

For a long time now my hubby and I have been discussing a big decision we need to make in our lives, but because its such a hard decision to make we've kinda swept it under the carpet and pretended that there is no change to make. Well today I realized that this decision needs to be made urgently, because not making a decision is a decision, sometimes by saying nothing you are condoning the next persons actions you really saying - I'm okay with what others are doing or saying regardless of how you feel...

I know the right decision will not be one everyone I know will like, but I'd rather be right in God's eyes before I seek favour in the sight of man. Someone I know likes to say: Let the dogs bark God's caravan is moving on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u so right. My mom always says better is it to do Gods favour than to have the favour of man. Good luck somayya